2023 Meetings
FiRe research seminar (December 18, 2023, 16.00-17.30)
The coordinates for the seminar are:
Speaker: Helena Fornwagner (University of Exeter)
Title: Gender-inclusive language and economic decision-making
Time: December 18, 2023, 16:00-17:30
Venue: SR 15.25, ReSoWi-Center, Universitaetsstrasse 15, 8010 Graz und online
Paper: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4411481
Online access: https://uni-graz.zoom.us/j/66945220089?pwd=TnJGWVlOU1NFQ3MyQTZwTzkwVWpvdz09
Helena Fornwagner is a Lecturer at the Department of Economics, University of Exeter Business School and an Associate of the Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO). She is a behavioral and experimental economist and received her PhD in Economics from the University of Innsbruck in 2017.
Helena is a guest editor for the Journal of Economic Psychology (Special Issue on Biological Foundations of Economic Decision Making) and an Editorial Board Member of the Sports Economic Review. She is Departmental Research Ethics Officer at the University of Exeter Business School and is listed as an expert of the Economics Observatory.
Helena’s research areas are the biological determinants of economic behavior, competitive behavior and gender, voluntary climate actions, and incentives and (un)ethical behavior. Her work has been published in the Journal of Economic Psychology, Management Science and Journal of Economic Behavior and Scientific Reports.
FiRe research day (December 13, 2023)
The coordinates for the research day are:
Time: December 13, 2023
Venue: SR 15.25, ReSoWi-Center, Universitaetsstrasse 15/F2, 8010 Graz
FiRe research seminar (November 20, 2023, 16.00-17.30)
The coordinates for the seminar are:
Speaker: Anne Haubo Dyhrberg (Wilfried Laurier University)
Title: The Retail Execution Quality Landscape
Time: November 20, 2023
Venue: SR 15.36, ReSoWi-Center, Universitaetsstrasse 15, 8010 Graz und online
Online access: https://uni-graz.zoom.us/j/68428111665?pwd=VVhoNS9kOUZ1UHJnc2hFaE9aT3p0QT09
Paper: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4313095
Anne Dyhrberg is an Assistant Professor of Finance at the Wilfrid Laurier University’s Lazaridis School of Business and Economics, Waterloo, Ontario.
She received her PhD in finance from the University of Sydney, Australia in 2021, an MA in Economics from the University College Dublin, Ireland and her BSc in International Business from the Copenhagen Business School in Denmark.
Anne’s research areas are FinTech, market microstructure, cryptocurrencies and blockchain. Her work has been published in high-quality finance journals such as the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Economic Letters and Finance Research Letters.
FiRe research seminar (October 9, 2023, 16.00-17.30)
The coordinates for the seminar are:
Speaker: Tobias Berg (Goethe Universität Frankfurt)
Title: Out of sight, out of mind: Divestments and the Global Reallocation of Pollutive Assets
Time: October 9, 2023, 16.00-17.30
Venue: SR 15.25, ReSoWi-Center, Universitaetsstrasse 15/F2, 8010 Graz
Online access: https://uni-graz.zoom.us/j/68277615778
Paper: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4368113
Tobias Berg is a financial economist whose research focuses on financial intermediation, corporate finance, empirical methods, risk management, FinTech and climate finance. Tobias Berg serves as an Associate Editor at the Review of Financial Studies as well as at the Review of Finance and has authored several publications in reputed journals, including the Journal of Finance, Review of Financial Studies and the Journal of Financial Economics.
Before joining Goethe University, Tobias Berg was Professor of Finance and Head of the Finance Department at the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management. Before that, he was an Assistant Professor at the University of Bonn and held visiting positions at the European Central Bank and the Stern School of Business at New York University.
FiRe Research Day (June 28, 2023, 9:00-15:00)
The coordinates for the seminar are:
Time: June 15, 2023, 9:00-15:00,
Venue: SR 15.25, ReSoWi-Center, Universitaetsstrasse 15/F2, 8010 Graz
The program is to be announced.
FiRe Lecture (June 27, 2023, 17:30-19:00)
The coordinates for the seminar are:
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Martin Weber
Title: Altersvorsorge im Wandel: Eigenverantwortung, Finanzplanung und Entsparen im Ruhestand
Time: June 27, 2023, 17:30-19:00
Venue: HS 15.04, ReSoWi-Center, Universitaetsstrasse 15/E, EG, 8010 Graz
Martin Weber is a Senior Professor of Banking and Finance at the Business School of the University of Mannheim. Before joining the University of Mannheim, he worked as a Professor at the University of Cologne and the University of Kiel. He is a member of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and is on the board of the Schmalenbach Society for Business Administration and on the scientific board of the Society for Experimental Finance. His research covers the areas of experimental economics, decision theory, behavioral and household finance.
Martin Weber has published in leading finance and economics journals such as the Journal of Finance, Review of Financial Studies, Review of Finance, Management Science and the Journal of Political Economy. He is one of the authors of “Bankbetriebslehre” by Hartmann-Wendels, Pfingsten and Weber and the author of "Genial einfach investieren". In 2008, Martin Weber also launched the investment fund ARERO with the aim of offering a broadly diversified portfolio in equities, bonds and commodities for long-term investment.
Prof. Weber obtained his master’s degree, doctoral degree and habilitation at the University of Aachen. He spent three years as a visiting professor at UCLA, the Wharton School, Stanford University and the Fuqua School of Business and Duke University. From 2004 to 2006, he served as Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration at the University of Mannheim. In June 2007, he was awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Münster.
This Event is sponsored by Raiffeisen-Landesbank Steiermark AG
FiRe research seminar (May 8, 2023, 16.00-17.30)
The coordinates for the seminar are:
Speaker: Steffen Meyer (Aarhus University)
Title: Fund terminations and reinvestment decisions under ambiguity.
Time: May 8, 2023
Venue: SR 15.25, ReSoWi-Center, Universitaetsstrasse 15/F2, 8010 Graz
Link: https://unigraz.webex.com/unigraz/j.php?MTID=me0da988cce2852e8b7c73c2ffdf8e50e
Paper: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OIgGvIVWqO07P8s1yMLlONuhj7HITDkZ/view?usp=sharing
FiRe research seminar (April, 24, 2023, 16:00-17:30)
The coordinates for the seminar are:
Speaker: Christine Laudenbach (Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE)
Title: Gender Differences in Financial Advice.
Time: April 24, 2023, 16:00-17:30
Access: https://unigraz.webex.com/unigraz/j.php?MTID=mcb7ad96fff1a191c4220ff81e54ec7b8
Paper: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2572961
Christine Laudenbach is an academic specializing in finance, currently holding the position of professor for Household Finance at the Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE. She previously served as a professor of Finance at the University of Bonn, after completing her postdoctoral research at Goethe University in Frankfurt and the University of Mannheim, where she earned her Ph.D. in 2012. Laudenbach's academic endeavors have also taken her to esteemed institutions such as the University of Washington in Seattle and Columbia University in New York.
Her research is focused on improving financial decision-making among private households, through financial education, counseling, and innovative self-help tools. Her work has been published in prestigious international academic journals, including the Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, and Management Science.
© T:K Photography Thomas Kohnle
FiRe research seminar (April 3, 2023, 16.00-17.30)
The coordinates for the seminar are:
Speaker: Andreas Pfingsten (Münster University)
Title: Capital relief trades after the financial crisis: used to improve capital ratios?
Time: April 3, 2023
Venue: SR 15.26, ReSoWi-Center, Universitaetsstrasse 15/G2, 8010 Graz
Paper: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kAmE0IJ9DmUFsc1Q3Q7CDqkjOqCjmGDg/view?usp=sharing
Andreas Pfingsten is a renowned banking expert and currently holds the Chair of Banking at the University of Münster, where he is also the Director of the Institute of Banking. With a focus on credit business, regulation of banks, risk management, and bank calculation, Andreas Pfingsten has authored several publications in reputed journals, including the Journal of Financial Intermediation and the Journal of Banking & Finance. He has also held visiting positions at several international universities, including Temple University in Philadelphia and the University of Calgary in Canada.
FiRe research seminar (January 9, 2023, 16.00-17.30)
The coordinates for the seminar are:
Speaker: Rients Galema (Utrecht University)
Title: Carbon Home Bias of European Investors
Time: January 9, 2023, 16.00-17.30
Access: https://unigraz.webex.com/unigraz/j.php?MTID=m2c5f5a50c706c3d40275b89ad48be18a
Paper: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3632723